Sunday, January 10, 2016

Why We Give

The holiday season is always filled with a wide array of festivities with people to see and things to do! My December was filled with JV Christmas parties, Secret Santa gift exchanges and of course, service! From Thanksgiving on, the season of giving is in full swing. There is Giving Tuesday, more people than ever want to volunteer and give back to their local community and holiday themed events fill up the calendar. At HomePlate, there is a desire to provide the same feelings and experiences of giving to others during the holidays that many enjoy. At each drop in for one week, a Holiday Store is created that provides the youth a chance to "shop" for gifts including toys, clothes, books and much more! Volunteers help by donating the amazing gifts, their time to transform drop in into a festive place with lights, sparkle, photo booths and amazing dinners!

It was a true privilege to witness the joy of giving this December. I witnessed the happiness of volunteers helping youth pick out presents, take family photos and enjoy an evening together. I was warmed by seeing the youth find joy in choosing gifts for their children, parents and friends. Generosity is something that can give such joy to both the receiver and the giver. The youth of HomePlate are able to partake in these experiences through the hard work and generosity of the local Hillsboro and Beaverton communities. 

The Holiday Store gave a different meaning to Christmas for me this year. Generosity was on my mind and spending more time reflecting on how the experience of giving can change others made me reflect on why we give. We give to feel happiness, to help others and to make a difference. At the root of all this giving is love and that in turn is what I feel is the true meaning of Christmas!